In a perfect world, our furry companions would live many more years than allotted. However, the time we do have with them brings tremendous love, laughter, and companionship. Losing a pet can be one of the most heartbreaking experiences a pet owner faces, but healing is possible. Our Peak Pet Urgent Care team offers some gentle suggestions to help ease the pain and find ways to cope with the loss of a pet.

Allow yourself time to grieve your pet

Grieving is personal, and how long it takes to get past the initial shock and emotional impact varies from person to person. It’s important to acknowledge and accept your feelings and the stages of grief. Understand that it’s normal to feel several emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and sometimes numbness. Permit yourself to grieve in your own way and in your own time.

Seek pet loss support from friends and family

Sometimes when we grieve, the loss feels so unique that it cannot be easily shared with others. However, your closest loved ones know what you are going through and can be an excellent sounding board for your feelings. Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends and family members who understand your special bond with your pet. Sharing your journey with others can provide comfort and validation, and decrease feelings of isolation. 

Memorialize your pet

Honoring your pet’s memory can be a therapeutic way to cope with the loss. Consider:

  • Putting together a photo collage 
  • Creating a scrapbook
  • Planting a flower garden
  • Purchasing a memorial plaque
  • Planting a tree
  • Writing a poem
  • Donating to a favorite nonprofit in your pet’s name
  • Volunteering your time

Maintain a routine after your pet’s passing

Maintaining a sense of normalcy in your daily routine can be difficult after losing a furry pal, but it can provide structure and stability during a difficult time. Stick to regular mealtimes, exercise routines, and other activities that you and your pet used to enjoy together. This can help you maintain your health and well-being and provide purpose and structure to your day. 

Consider a ritual or ceremony for your pet

Participating in a ritual or ceremony to honor your pet’s memory can provide closure and help you begin the healing process. The ceremony could involve:

  • Holding a memorial service
  • Scattering your pet’s ashes in a meaningful location
  • Visiting a favorite vacation destination
  • Hiking a trail your pet once loved

Spend time around other pets

While no pet can replace the one you lost, spending time with other pets and animals can help ease the loneliness and provide comfort. Pets are attuned to our emotions and can offer a non-judgmental connection to another living soul. Consider volunteering at a local animal shelter, fostering a needy pet, or adopting a new furry friend when ready.

Reach out to others who have lost pets

Several online pet loss support groups and resources can help you connect with understanding pet owners. Losing a pet is a profound change in your life and household. Those who have experienced this loss can help you navigate through your emotions and grief. 

Maintain a routine for other household pets

The loss of one of their siblings can also affect your surviving pets. Some pets have been known to exhibit grief signs, such as disinterest in play, hiding, or clinginess. By keeping up with your four-legged friends’ everyday routine, you not only help them; you also help yourself. Walking and playing games with your pets can lighten your spirit and help them regain a sense of happiness and well-being. 

Celebrate your pet’s life

Instead of focusing solely on the loss, celebrate the life and love you shared with your pet. Reflect on happy memories, funny moments, and the unconditional love your four-legged friend brought into your life. 

Losing a pet is a deeply personal journey, and there’s no right or wrong way to grieve. Take your time and seek support when you need it. With patience, self-compassion, and the support of others, including furry friends, you can gradually find healing and peace amid your loss. 

Our Peak Pet Urgent Care team knows how difficult it can be to say goodbye to a pet. If you would like additional resources to help cope with the loss of a pet, do not hesitate to call us.